2009年7月25日 星期六


The email sent to a new teacher in NTU DFLL. His last name suggests that he has French heritage.

Dear professor Beauregard:

I am Jackie Lee, a language and literature major from NTU, and going to take your novel course in my last year at NTU.

I want to know the booklist in advance lest I may not finished the reading assignment every week during the semester because I read very slow. Judging from my experiences in literature courses, only when I finish the reading beforehand can I benefit the most from the course or I will be just lost in the words of the professor.

If this does not bother, could you please give me a scheduled booklist so I can start to read them right a way. Actually I have started a study group of 3 to 4 people this summer vacation. We discuss the classic English works and other important works translated into English. We have done Hedda Gabler, Madame bovary and is going to discuss The Grapes of Wrath. We may also discuss the books in the booklist.

I am looking forward to listening to your lectures this semester to come and hope you have a wonderful weekend.



Another email sent to a friend just met yesterday.

Dear James:

Your English is also very good, and it was glad to meet you all yesterday. To tell you the truth, I have never been to US, but I would really like to when I have earn enough money. I am now preparing for the exchange student program to France so France will be my first priority for the time being.

Basically my English is based on self-studying the English material. I work very hard in terms of imitating native speaker's pronunciation and really find pleasure doing that. Maybe that is why makes you think I speak good English. In fact, there still much left to be desired for me in terms of accuracy, fluency and vocabulary because I have to prepare for the TOEFL test. I try hard to meet some foreigners these month to improve my English speaking as I told you earlier that I have never been abroad.

I also like the speeches on TED, which are very professiona but easy to comprehend so that even a language major student like me can learn from them. The environmental issue is also what I concern about. Recently I am reading "Go Mad", a book that gives simples tips for improve the pollution and waste problem.

I am a Christian already, and I just met David and the pastor for the second time yesterday by accident. I eavesdroped David and Elena's conversation on Thursday so that I knew they were Christians and tried to strike up a conversation with them. (I often eavesdrop to test my language comprehension, but that was th first time I tried to join the conversation).

I can see you are a very purposed-driven but at the same time a kind-hearted person after knowing your volunteering from your namecard. It's good for you to do that. I am also impressed by the patience and concentration you showed when you talked with the pastor.

Just to let you know that I will be at NTU almost everyday to study and swim, maybe we can meet sometimes to have lunch, swim or do even some basketball. I do not have many friends from science background so it will be great to talk to you. Feel free to send me text message or call me if you want to talk or hang out a little bit.

May God bless you.


1 則留言:

野獸 提到...

你一定會很愛李錫錕的(政治學)= =+