2008年4月8日 星期二


我的IPOD是高二的時候在網拍買的,是一台金色的IPOD MINI。那時候2005年擁有一台MP3算是了不得的事,因為隨身聽仍未普及,價格也蠻貴的。我那時候花了七千三買IPOD,加上事後買的保護貼、傳輸線,零零總總為IPOD奉獻了約八千五。但這不是我的重點所在。這台IPOD在2006的8月以後,就怎麼充電都充不飽,一拔掉電源線,主機就秀逗了。之後拿去給蘋果的店家檢查說要換電池,所需的金額是一台新IPOD的錢。

當然在IPOD MINI第一代壞掉之後,蘋果又陸陸續續的推出許多款IPOD,而我只能對著我的金色IPOD MINI乾瞪眼。我當時花的錢可以買兩個最新的IPOD MINI。想到就覺得OOXX用不到一年就壞了。下面的連結來源是美國一個惡搞模仿節目MADTV,內容諷刺APPLE一直推出新IPOD,改編的廣告詞的確是唱到我心坎裡。


Feist: 1, 2, 3, 4, went down to the Apple store,
got myself an iPod that I paid $400
for. And just after my purchase was done,
those Apple bastards introduced a new one.
Oh, ohh - they keep changing the iPod.
Oh, ohh - I keep blowing my wad.
2, 4, 6, 8, iPods that are out of date,
sold them on an eBay store, made $1.94,
oh, ohh - they keep changing the iPod,
oh, ohh - gonna kill someone, I swear to God.
3, 4, 5, 6, hundred bucks I laid down quick,
bought myself an iPhone, they dropped the price
and I got boned! Oh, ohh - they got my money and then,
ohh, they screwed me again! They iScrewed me AGAIN!
A, B, C, D, I went and bought a plain PC,
i know PCs are pretty lame,
but at least they'll always stay the same

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