2007年4月18日 星期三

TV addict



之前雖一度痛定思痛要戒掉電視,但終究還是敵不過電視誘惑,看完後才想到有一大堆作業要寫,以致於每天都拖到很晚才睡,電視真是害人不淺...今天下午又要PEER REVIEW了,感覺上會被老師ㄉㄧㄤ得很慘。下面是我的文章,看看吧,可能的話給個回應吧。

TV Addict

(1) Television addicts are people who will watch all the programsthey can, for as long as they can, without doing anything else.(2) TV addicts, first of all, will watch anything on the tube, no matter how bad it is.(3) Movie channels, for example, always playthe same movies again and again.(4) When TV addicts turn to movie channel, however, they will still tune in despite the fact that they may have watched the same movie for more than three times. (5) Another example is news; the content is almost the same for every period, only a little news will be updated. (6) TV addicts, in this case, still watch the news for several hours. (7) In addition, addicts watch more hours of TV than normal people do. (8) Some teenagers devote their time extremely to TV. (9)When they go home, possibly 10 at night because of going to cram school, the first thing they do is turn on the TV instead of go to bed. (10) Although they feel tired, they still sit in front of the TV set, and watch TV until midnight. (11) Some other addicts can spend all their free time watching TV; they occupy their mind with TV programs and forget the time going. (12) Finally, addicts feel that TV is more important than other people or any other activities that might be going on.(13) Students, for instance, forget to do their homework and review their lesson, because they may be watching their favorite TV series. (14) Some people even have serious problem than that, we call them“couch potato”, who watch TV all day with junk food in hand, having terrible figure.(15)They don’t want to go outside doing some exercise, so their health condition is bad.

3 則留言:

Strive 提到...

u can change "TV" to "computer" ...

and then...it is saying me XD

Anonymous 提到...

Maybe I am addicted to more than TV, too. lol

d29872523 提到...

